I’m a fan of a good, well-crafted insult. So imagine my excitement when I saw this list of the 50 best literary insults. Here are some of my favorites from books I love: “This liberal doxy must be impaled upon the member of a particularly large stallion!” — From A Confederacy of Dunces by John — Read More
Author: Kim Hooper
I’m in an anthology!
Remember when I asked you to vote for me for the America’s Next Author 2012 contest? Well, I kind of forgot about the contest. It came and went and then I got an e-mail saying I made it into the anthology! Best of all, you–yes YOU–can download the anthology for FREE! >> Download now!
‘Tis the season
Every year, around this time, I feel like starting up a novel, or at least a short story. It must be the stress of the holidays that calls forth my inner therapist. I’ll let you know if I resolve my angst…or write a new book. In the meantime…
Behind every great writer…
This isn’t totally accurate. I don’t have a loyal pet. My cat is rather indifferent to my endeavors and I’m the dog’s second favorite.
Top 10 most read books in the world
I wouldn’t have guessed most of these would make the top 10. Rather, I would have hoped most of these would not make the top 10. It makes me think we can sum up our world as being “very religious, with an interest in sci-fi and fantasy.” Or, even simpler, let’s conclude, “Human beings like — Read More
Let’s play make believe
The other day, I came across this Tobias Wolff quote: It got me thinking about that recurring question: Why do writers write? I’ve always maintained that writing serves as some kind of therapy, a way to play out hopes and dreams and fears via characters who, in a sense, protect the author who creates them. — Read More
A rare request: Vote for me!
I entered a contest. This is very, very unlike me. Plus, in this contest, winners are based on social media involvement, ie sharing on Facebook, tweeting, etc. I don’t even have a Twitter account and I get flush with embarrassment when it comes to promoting myself on Facebook. I’m that person posting, “Hey, vote for — Read More
Happy National Punctuation Day!
Actually, it was yesterday, so Happy Belated National Punctuation Day! I am a lover of punctuation. Punctuation can change the entire rhythm of a sentence. It can change the entire meaning. You’ve probably seen this example: A teacher asked her class to punctuate this sentence: Woman without her man is nothing. Half came up with — Read More
A thousand lives
I have been insanely busy lately. As in, I’m putting in 60+ hours per week at work and still trying to remain somewhat social with other humans in my “free time” (in quotes because it doesn’t seem so free when it’s an item on a to-do list). For an introvert, this leads to exhaustion. As — Read More
Second sentences
Fact: I keep a notebook full of first sentences that I never attach to second sentences, let alone full stories. I started the notebook with the goal of returning to these first sentences “when time frees up.” Now, instead of considering it a sort of to-do notebook, I consider it a journal of random thoughts — Read More