I’m in an anthology!

Remember when I asked you to vote for me for the America’s Next Author 2012 contest? Well, I kind of forgot about the contest. It came and went and then I got an e-mail saying I made it into the anthology! Best of all, you–yes YOU–can download the anthology for FREE! >> Download now!

A rare request: Vote for me!

I entered a contest. This is very, very unlike me. Plus, in this contest, winners are based on social media involvement, ie sharing on Facebook, tweeting, etc. I don’t even have a Twitter account and I get flush with embarrassment when it comes to promoting myself on Facebook. I’m that person posting, “Hey, vote for — Read More

Happy National Punctuation Day!

Actually, it was yesterday, so Happy Belated National Punctuation Day! I am a lover of punctuation. Punctuation can change the entire rhythm of a sentence. It can change the entire meaning. You’ve probably seen this example: A teacher asked her class to punctuate this sentence: Woman without her man is nothing. Half came up with — Read More