Why it’s good to write when you’re busy

I used to daydream of a writing life that was consumed with just that–writing. I’d have no distractions or other obligations. This hilarious, idealistic goal fell by the wayside when I realized I have to make money, sustain relationships, that kind of thing. And let’s not forget the endless list of errands (and I don’t even have kids). And the numerous TV shows I can’t stop watching. Needless to say, I can’t even remember the last time I had hours in front of me with nothing to do. Well, I guess I had that a couple weekends ago, but that’s because I was sick (which, oddly, was sort of nice).

For a long time, I just set writing aside with the excuse (yes, excuse) that I was too busy. I don’t know who I thought I was. I mean, EVERYONE is “too busy.” Like I said, I don’t even have kids. Many writers do.

Since I declared that I’d write every day for 100 days, I’ve realized something: Writing while busy is sort of great. Another one of my famous excuses before: “I can’t force writing.” But, turns out I can. When I tell myself, “Kim, you have to write today,” I just do. And once I get started, it’s not so bad. Some days, I really am too busy to write more than a few lines, but what’s important is that I write those few lines, that I take a few moments to get engaged with the story. It’s when days pass without that engagement that I get in trouble.

Surprisingly, I’m more focused with more things in my life demanding my focus, if that makes sense. I know I have limited time for each task, so I milk that time for all its worth. No dilly-dallying, as my dad would say. Efficiency gives me kind of a high, so when I check off the “write something” goal every day, I feel damn good. It’s that feeling that keeps me coming back the next day. And the day after that.

Like a drug addict, I guess.

This Salman Rushdie quote sums up how I feel about writing lately. It’s exciting me. It’s keeping me up at night. It’s stimulating me during the day (even when I’m doing a number of other things completely unrelated to my story). It’s making my heart beat faster and my mind spin wildly. Like a drug, I guess.

salman rushdie quote

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