BIG NEWS: I “finished” my book. Meaning, I implemented the last of my edits and printed it out. I say finished-in-quotes because I’m sure there will be more edits after I get some feedback from my first readers–my mom and two good friends. Still, it’s something to celebrate. I know there is a long process — Read More
Author: Kim Hooper
Ten Writers Whose Success You’ll Resent
A great writing friend sent me this article from The Toast. Hilarious. I suggest you click over to nod along to the list. Here are the ones I appreciate most: 10. The Maddeningly Gentle Food Blogger With The Completely Unjustified Book Deal Whose Posts You Read Every Day “This is so stupid,” you tell your best — Read More
Writing in chaos
Somehow, the week before last, I finished the first draft of my new novel. I say “somehow” because I’m really not sure how it happened. I’ve been billing 50-60 hours per week at work. My fiancé and I closed escrow on a new house and then began packing and moving. Oh, and we’re renovating the — Read More
Why We Write: Continued
As I said last week, I just finished reading Why We Write: 20 Acclaimed Writers on How and Why They Do What They Do. As promised, here are some words of wisdom from the contributing writers: “Whenever I am writing, or more accurately, whenever I have written, I feel better and more at peace as — Read More
Why We Write
I just finished reading Why We Write: 20 Acclaimed Writers on How and Why They Do What They Do. I’d recommend it, mostly because proceeds go to 826 National, a nonprofit dedicated to writing and tutoring centers. I didn’t think the entries were all that compelling. In fact, my favorite part was the introduction by — Read More
Vintage photos of writers writing
I just saw this slideshow on Huffington Post and had to share my favorites. Captions by me. Dorothy Parker “Hmm, I really don’t remember writing this last night. Whelp, it’s pretty good.” Mark Twain Philip Roth William Faulkner Edith Wharton There are a total of 13 photos in the Huffington Post slideshow. Check it out.
Letting go of the first draft
I’ve been thinking quite a bit about what to do when I’m done with the first draft of my novel. That time is close. It makes me sad, in a sense. I’ve enjoyed the private project of writing it. Soon, I’ll face the inevitable release of the book into the hands of others. I have — Read More
100 days later.
Remember when I said I’d write every day for 100 days? You might not remember. I kind of buried the commitment at the end of a post. This was at the end of January. Well, lo and behold, it’s 100 days later and I was successful…well mostly. I wrote every day except for FOUR. Two — Read More
When books become movies
Is anyone else excited to see The Great Gatsby? I am. Well, I’m a mix of excited and nervous. I absolutely LOVE the book and I’m not sure the movie can measure up to all the scenes I’ve imagined in my head while reading the book. I have hope because there have been some great — Read More
A genius or a fraud?
My “write every day for 100 days” challenge ends at the beginning of May, so I’ve got less than a month to go. I’m doing really well. I’ve got a lot of pages and I feel pretty confident about them…most of the time. I’ve noticed that when I go back to read pages, I think — Read More