I read 26 books this year, or about 1 book every couple weeks. I would love to read 1 book every week, but I don’t see how to make that happen with my schedule. As it is now, I read for about 20 minutes on my lunch break (if I take one), and 20 minutes — Read More
Author: Kim Hooper
Big news: I got a book deal!
It’s an almost-Christmas miracle, everyone! Actually, I’ve had the news for a while, but I was expecting someone important (my agent, my editor, my publishing house, God) to say, “JUST KIDDING, SUCKER!” That has not happened, yet, so I’m pretty sure this is real. How it all happened is both a short and long story. — Read More
MORE gifts for the writers & readers in your life
It’s beginning to creep me out how Facebook stalks me. I posted last week about gifts for writers and readers, and ever since then, I’ve been getting all these notifications in my feed with additional gift ideas. Some of them are pretty cool, so even though I’m creeped out, I will share. This company, Litographs, takes words from — Read More
Gifts for the writers & readers in your life
Now that the holiday madness has officially begun, I have a few gift ideas for those literary types you may have the good fortune of knowing. Shout out to my loved ones: I have not purchased any of these yet. This book features fifty photographs of meals described in famous books–ranging from The Secret Garden — Read More
Running and writing, part 2
I didn’t expect to find a story about writing in my beloved Runner’s World magazine. But then I did. It shouldn’t really surprise me. I see running and writing as going together like PB and J. I didn’t become a runner to improve my writing. That was an unexpected side effect–and is probably why I’ve stuck — Read More
Some of the greats on writing
I know, it seems like I do a version of this post every other week, but I’m like a fly to shit with these types of things. I just love to hear how the greats write. It’s inspiring. This latest collection of wisdom was gathered by the New York Public Library. Zadie Smith on writing — Read More
Making it work
This is film director Eric Cosland. On the topic of creative work, he says: “If it feels good while you’re doing it, you’re not doing it right. You should be suffering a little bit.” So true, right? My nagging insomnia in the midst of writing/editing attests to that. My stories always keep me up at — Read More
**BOOK UPDATE** Well, it’s a developing story. And an exciting one at that. I will share details when I can. How’s that for leaving you hanging? On another note… what do all these books have in common? They’re all great, yes. But, besides that, they have something else in common. They’re all debuts, first (published) — Read More
Oh, booze.
**BOOK UPDATE** My novel is out in the world again, searching for a publishing house to call home. Wish it luck. On another note, who feels like a drink? Thanks to Shortlist.com, I got to know the drinking habits of some famous authors. If you are too lazy to click on the link (after all, — Read More
Thirteen Writing Prompts — by Dan Wiencek
This was originally published in 2006, but I just discovered it over on McSweeney’s. As I finish my book revisions, I’ve been thinking about having some fun with writing prompts to get the creative juices going for a new project. Maybe I should try one of these. Ha. “Thirteen Writing Prompts” by Dan Wiencek 1. — Read More