Weekly Roundup: November 29

I usually do these on Fridays, but I was in a post-Thanksgiving fog on Friday, so here I am today.

Quote of the week:
“Becoming a mother has a way of coating your life with a thin layer of fear.” — Saumya Dave, Well-Behaved Indian Women

What I’m reading:
NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman

What I’m listening to:
Long Bright River by Liz Moore

What I’m watching:
“Ratched” (Netflix) — If you liked “American Horror Story,” you’ll love this

Writing news:
Three books are coming! 

What I’m talking about:
The only thing I’m really talking about is the rising Covid numbers and how baffled I am by people who continue to not give a f**k. I have gotten into a few “friendly arguments” about masks, which certain people consider an infringement on their freedom. Don’t you think being hooked up to a ventilator would be more of an infringement on your freedom? What about having long-term health effects because of the virus? I’ve heard some say, “People should only wear a mask if they are high-risk.” Two things: 1) Low-risk, healthy people can have major issues with Covid, which is something scientists are still trying to figure out; 2) You’re missing the other half of the equation–masks help protect OTHERS from YOU. I know of  someone who found out she had Covid when tested prior to a minor surgery. She didn’t show symptoms for SIX days after testing positive… so you might feel fine but still be contagious. I can’t tell if people are just uneducated, or if they truly lack empathy. Either way, it’s unsettling. 

Weirdest thing I googled this week:
“Golf balls with Trump’s face on them.” (Mom, don’t tell Dad. This may be a Christmas gift).

What I’m grateful for:
Science. I saw a guy at the park the other day with a shirt that said, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” You can feel frustrated with Covid, but it’s still there. You can feel like climate change is a bunch of BS, but it’s still happening. Science doesn’t lie. And it’s as incredible as it is ruthless. We have two vaccines on the way, thanks to science. While it may seem like we’ve waited “a long time” for these vaccines, they are coming with record speed. I’m so grateful for the brains behind this massive feat.

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