A rare request: Vote for me!

I entered a contest. This is very, very unlike me. Plus, in this contest, winners are based on social media involvement, ie sharing on Facebook, tweeting, etc. I don’t even have a Twitter account and I get flush with embarrassment when it comes to promoting myself on Facebook. I’m that person posting, “Hey, vote for me! It will take you 2 seconds.” That person annoys me.

I’m sort of counting on a “wild card” nomination. Apparently, the judges pick stories they think are good, even though they haven’t been shared by a billion people in Internet land.

But, seriously, vote for me anyway. It will take you 2 seconds.

Putting myself out there in any capacity reminds me just how sensitive I am. I’m proud of the story I entered. It features a very flawed character, but I understand her. I understand her cowardice and her inner turmoil. Already, I’ve received comments from a couple readers who called my story a “bad read” because the character was so unlikeable. And I thought, “See, this is why I don’t try to publish anything.” It hits a nerve, makes me feel vulnerable, and distracts from what writing means to me. Then again, there are the positive reviews. Those are nice.

In any case, I need to get used to exposure if I really want to make it in fiction writing. I know not everyone will like my stories. I’m guilty of leaving a review or two on Amazon that said, “I can’t believe this book was published!” I’m guilty of forgetting that there is an author behind the words, a person just like me. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. The Internet makes it really easy to be anonymous, and anonymity makes it really easy for people to be mean. I have no idea how famous people do it. I can barely handle it, and I’m ranked #80-something in a piddly contest.

Yes, #80-something. So, help me out. Click “Vote” in the side column of this page. I won’t ask you again, promise… unless you’re friends with me on Facebook. Then, my apologies.


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