What NOT to say to a writer

I don’t know if it’s just that writers are super sensitive or what, but it seems that all of us feel like people say the wrong thing in response to our career/hobby/passion/whathaveyou.

This list is a pretty good summary, capturing common comments that make writers laugh (or cry, on a bad day):

From my own experiences, I’d add a few to this list (my response in italics):

“Are you done with your book yet?” Nope. Have you started yours?

“You could be the next J.K. Rowling!” Not likely. I’m not British.

“Did you read Hunger Games?” Negatory. I’m waiting for it to go on sale at Costco.

“My neighbor/friend/high school boyfriend/coworker wrote a book. He might give you some tips.” Awesome! Is one of those tips, “Don’t give up”? Because I haven’t heard that before.

“I just can’t get into reading.” I just can’t get into taking you seriously.

0 thoughts on “What NOT to say to a writer

  1. Since I’ve never met anyone who was/is a writer I’m not guilty of any of these. I feel like having the privilege to call yourself a writer, meaning you’ve reached the point that you feel comfortable saying it aloud, is incredible. Just like other artists, writers are this unique group of people, who when they are at their best can create amazing things. No other professional group gets to do that.

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