So, you want to be a writer?

On a somewhat regular basis, I take Lorrie Moore’s collection, Self Help, off my shelf and read “How to Become a Writer.” It’s the first line I love: “First, try to be something, anything, else.” This is probably the best advice I’ve ever heard. Yes, perhaps it’s somewhat discouraging, humorously cynical, but that’s what being — Read More

Death of the book writer

** As published on The Writer’s [Inner] Journey ** Here’s a prediction: The human race will evolve so that our chins become attached to our chests, for better viewing of our iPhones. We are a society increasingly obsessed with technology. We browse blogs while waiting for water to boil. We tweet from the toilet. We — Read More

How we find our way to writing

A while back, a co-worker suggested I read a book called The Gargoyle. I’m wary of recommendations from most people, because according to book sales, most people like Twilight. However, I decided to look it up on Amazon and read the reviews. As I was scrolling down , I was subjected to my greatest weakness: — Read More

Quote(s) of the month

I’ve become obsessed with the HBO show “Bored to Death.” Created by Jonathan Ames, the series follows a writer (also named Jonathan Ames) who moonlights as an unlicensed private detective while struggling to get a second novel published. My obsession with the show led to an obsession with Jonathan Ames. Perhaps it would have been — Read More