
A while ago, a family friend asked, “Where do you get your ideas?” I shrugged. She pressed, “Well, what makes something worthy of you spending months and months turning it into a story?” I still had no answer. I think most writers, or creative people in general, would say inspiration is a mystery. Sometimes, a — Read More

Why I won’t get a Kindle

Three reasons: 1. I’m stubbornly resistant to change. I was on the cassette bandwagon, by my lonesome, well into the new millennium. I may or may not still have a Pearl Jam tape in a kitchen drawer. 2. I like the feel of a book in my hands. I like being able to thumb through pages, — Read More

“Home is where your story begins”

Ever wondered where your favorite author lived? Not the state or the town, but the house. I have. For some reason, houses have always fascinated me. When I was a kid, writing my first stories, one of my primary tasks (after naming my main character) was to draw a sketch of the character’s house. For me, a home says so — Read More

SWF, looking for Henry Miller enthusiast

So, if none of the bookworm pick-up lines work for you, do not despair! There is now a dating site that specializes in matchmaking for book nerds. Yes, creates connections based on literary taste. Members of the site can add books they like to their profile. And they can click on books to see others — Read More

Grammar Gripe: Apostrophes

It’s heartbreaking for me to realize that very few people know the difference between “your” and “you’re”; and, some of those who do know the difference cannot be bothered with that one pesky tick mark our elementary school teachers told us was necessary when combining two words. Suddenly, “you’re” is becoming “youre.” I blame text — Read More