A writer friend of mine said to me recently, “I gave a story I’m working on to my boyfriend for his opinion and he just said, ‘It’s interesting.’ Nothing else. That’s it.” She was fuming. Please note: This boyfriend is relatively new on the scene. He has no idea how he’s “supposed” to respond, bless — Read More
Author: Kim Hooper
Hemingway to Fitzgerald: “Go on and write”
Yet another fascinating post from Letters of Note: Hemingway writing to Fitzgerald circa 1934, giving his opinion on Fitzgerald’s just-published Tender Is the Night. The book tells the story of Dick and Nicole Diver, a couple based on mutual acquaintances (Sara and Gerald) of both Fitzgerald and Hemingway. What I like most about this letter — Read More
Top 10 fictional antiheroes
Check out this interesting list from LitReactor.com, featuring fictional antiheroes — classic and modern day. Makes me realize I love a good antihero. 1. Dexter Morgan from Jeff Lindsay’s series beginning with Darkly Dreaming Dexter (2004). I’m fairly obsessed with the TV show. 2. Edward Rochester from Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre (1847). I refer to — Read More
Ever wonder what your favorite characters look like?
A couple months ago, Brian Joseph Davis launched The Composites, a Tumblr that imagines the appearance of literary characters using in-book descriptions combined with composite sketch-rendering software. You know, the kind they use on CSI. It’s kind of creepy, if you ask me, especially the one of Humpert Humpert from Lolita: Um, yeah. Here are some — Read More
In memory of my journals
Since I was a kid, I’ve thought of “journal” as more of a verb than a noun. Some kids played handball, some skipped rope, some chased boys; I journaled. It was serious business, the kind of serious business that compelled me to ask my parents for a special birthday gift — a fireproof safe to — Read More
Here’s the thing
I’m not writing. At all. I mean, I’m writing for work, but that’s an entirely different animal. I’m enjoying that animal. I just haven’t felt any need or desire to write fiction. This truth has been looming for a while, but it really hit me today when I passed by a car with a bumper — Read More
Regarding rejection slips
Oh, Snoopy, I feel ya.
Why do we read?
This hits the proverbial nail on the head.
A little Christmas story
When I entered the USC Master’s of Writing program, I’d never written a short story. I’d always worked on novels. I had the opportunity to take a class with the wonderful Shelley Berman (he’s an amazing comedian and you may know him best for playing Larry David’s dad on Curb Your Enthusiasm). That’s when I — Read More
Who agrees?
Saw this today at Skylight Books. I was with one of my best friends, who is also an avid reader. We both just nodded.