Weird writing habits of famous authors

Last week, I came across a great post on Flavorwire: “Weird Writing Habits of Famous Authors.” I can’t say that I have any especially weird habits. I do prefer to write longhand before going to the keyboard. I guess that’s a little weird. [Sidenote: Did anyone else hear that they’re no longer teaching cursive writing — Read More

I understand why it takes years.

When I was younger (and life was decidedly simpler), I had this notion that a book could be written and published within a year. A YEAR! That seems preposterous to me now. For one, I understand much more about the grueling process of editing. I understand that the mind needs time–sometimes MONTHS–to mull over plot — Read More

Marilyn Monroe, poet?

Did you know Marilyn Monroe was an avid reader? I’ve seen her photographed with books, but I thought she was just trying to negate her image as a “dumb blonde.” In truth though, her personal library contained over 400 books–from Dostoyevsky to Hemingway. And she took night classes at UCLA. Who knew? Not me. I — Read More

Authors in the awkward years

I started writing when I was in elementary school. I remember those pages with the wide margins very vividly. But it was when I was a teenager that my writing became less about fun and more about necessity. Those adolescent years are hard for anyone, and especially hard for a quiet, skinny girl who did — Read More

On opening sentences

Most of the books and stories I’ve written have been inspired by a single line. I’ll get that first line in my head and roll it around for a few weeks or months, then I start writing. More often than not, the first line changes from what it was initially, but the original line is — Read More