Let me explain why this is pretty awesome. In my mind, there are 4 big steps for a writer who wants to publish a book with a big publishing house: STEP 1: Write the f-ing book. This involves about a billion sub-steps, which I shudder to think about, let alone list. STEP 2: Get an — Read More
Author: Kim Hooper
Love letters from famous writers
I gotta say, if you’re a writer, a love letter is a tall order. There are expectations involved. I wrote my own vows when I got married last month, and my now-husband did the same. His friends told him he was crazy to attempt such a thing, since stringing words together is my daily life. — Read More
Remembering Maya Angelou
When we left on our honeymoon, I vowed I would use my phone minimally on the trip. I wanted to disconnect from all the usual distractions–news, social media, email, etc. But, a few days in, like a sick addict, I couldn’t resist pulling up my Facebook feed. And then I saw that Maya Angelou had — Read More
Daily routines of famous writers
I haven’t written a word of fiction in a few weeks now. It’s a much-needed break. I’m getting married this weekend and then going on my honeymoon. I’ll revisit my book after the honeymoon, then get ready to send it out into the world. The other day, though, an idea popped into my head for — Read More
Wedding photos of famous writers
So, I’m getting married in 19 days. I just did that math and had a brief panic attack. I am so glad to have my latest round of book editing done because these wedding details (dress alterations! guest seating assignments! party favors!) are killing every brain cell I have taking up all my time. I — Read More
Bird by bird by bird by bird…
Somehow, despite being busy, I finished editing my book–for now (will there ever be a day when I don’t caveat this with “for now”?). If you asked me how this happened, I would say, “Slowly. One day at a time, AA style.” Or, as Anne Lamott would say, “bird by bird.” I re-read Anne Lamott’s — Read More
Food and fiction
Two things I love. So imagine my excitement when a friend told me about Fictitious Dishes: An Album of Literature’s Most Memorable Meals. It is now in my Amazon cart. The book features meals described in novels you probably know (and may love). It’s the brainchild of Dinah Fried, who cooks, art-directs, and photographs meals — Read More
Why it’s good to write when you’re busy: Part II
I wrote Part I (not knowing it would have a Part II) in February of 2013. Meaning, I’ve been f-ing busy for over a year. A crazy work schedule, family stuff, weekend trips, wedding planning, honeymoon planning, and a couple half marathons (with the requisite weeks of training) has made it difficult to find any — Read More
Writers and their dogs
I’ve done a couple posts with photos of writers and their cats (here and here). I suppose I’m partial to cats, by the slimmest of margins. I grew up with dogs too. And now I love my fiancé’s doggie like he’s my own. This is Vinny: While he doesn’t sit on my lap as I — Read More
Running and writing
I never used to be a runner. In fact, I used to think runners were crazy. As in, certifiably insane. I wanted to attend races with a sign that read, in big red letters, “WHAT ARE YOU RUNNING FROM?” So, I state sheepishly that I have become a runner. It started with 5Ks. That 3-mile — Read More