Throughout my life, I have heard the following phrases: “You’re just so sensitive,” “Don’t be so sensitive,” “You’re too sensitive.” It was completely ingrained in me that this was a terrible trait, a character flaw, something I needed to “work on.” I don’t think the people who have said those things to me were trying — Read More
Author: Kim Hooper
Nonfiction books that blew my mind
Hey, look, it’s May and we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic. I figured it was time for another reading recommendations list. I had a few people request a nonfiction version, so here it is. I’ve been reading more and more nonfiction over the years, usually because I’m researching something for a book — Read More
Finding flow during a global pandemic
In the book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi analyzes the much-desired and often-elusive “flow state,” which is basically a fancy term for being “in the zone.” It’s that feeling of being completely absorbed in something, to the point that you lose track of time. It is, in a word, delicious. — Read More
The times they are a-changin’
I’ve been listening to a lot of Bob Dylan lately. He always strikes the right chord with me when I’m particularly contemplative, melancholy. When the country first started to shut down, I was in emergency mode. The Adrenalin was pumping. I felt almost manic as I started to sort out our new normal. Now, as — Read More
Exciting news!
In less than 6 months, this beauty will be released (comes out September 15), and I am so fortunate to have a publisher that is a true partner. Today, my publisher announced that my new book will be the first book under their new imprint, Keylight Books. I’m truly honored. I can’t wait for all — Read More
Books to take your mind off everything
It’s a good time to read (if you can manage the time between homeschooling your children and/or checking CNN every 5 minutes). Reading offers much-needed escape. That’s why I’ve always loved it. It transports us elsewhere, broadens our perspective, helps grow our compassion as human beings. I had a few friends ask me for reading — Read More
Writing (and reading) in the time of COVID-19
The other day, I got my first shipment of ARCs (advance reader copies) for my new novel, All the Acorns on the Forest Floor (releases September 15). My excitement was tainted with some worry about the fact that the mailman cleared his throat upon presenting the box. Was it a cough? Had he washed his — Read More
Writer’s block–is it really a thing?
Whenever I do an event and talk about my writing process, I get a question about how I deal with writer’s block. And I never know what to say. I tend to agree with Sarah Ruhl, who wrote in Poets & Writers magazine, “Writer’s block, I have always maintained, is not real. It is an — Read More
The writer’s plight
One of my best friends sent me this screenshot the other day and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. It’s not that I have writer’s block (I don’t really believe in “writer’s block”–a post on this coming soon); it’s that I have so — Read More
My next book is coming this fall!
I am so excited to announce that my next book will be released on September 15, 2020! This book is different than anything I’ve written before. I’ll tell you more about it soon. In the meantime, how beautiful is this cover?!