Weekly Roundup: February 7, 2025

It was another chaotic and overwhelming week in Trump’s America. As Ezra Klein said a few days ago, this is all part of the strategy—“flood the zone,” per Steve Bannon. This administration is ugly and I fear what’s taking shape. I don’t know how anyone can think such hateful, dark rhetoric is a good thing. I’ll continue to speak my mind and root for love. It is the month of love, after all.

Quote of the week:
“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness. The effect you have on others’ lives is the highest expression of your own.” –Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter

What I’m reading:
Too Soon by Betty Shamieh. This is so good, and so timely as Trump is talking about occupying Gaza (which is absurd). It’s about three generations of Palestinian women and gives so much insight into life in exile and how that impacts identity.

What I’m listening to:
The Good Mother Myth: Unlearning Our Bad Ideas About How to Be a Good Mom by Nancy Reddy. Books like this are right up my alley, as I think modern motherhood is impossible and there is so much pressure on doing it “right.” This book hasn’t shed any new light on the topic for me, but it’s reinforced and validated lots of things in my brain.

What I’m watching:
My daughter and I saw Dogman in the theater last weekend and it was so cute. We went with a bunch of her old preschool friends and their families—such a fun night. My boyfriend and I watched Smile 2 because we both have an affinity for disturbing horror movies. It didn’t disappoint. We also started Senna, the limited series about the F1 driver Aryton Senna who died in a crash in 1994. It’s really well done. Oh, one more: I got sucked into the docuseries Dancing for the Devil: The 7M Tik Tok Cult. Fascinating and sad.

Writing news:
My agent said she started reading my 2026 novel and is “loving every minute,” which is what every author likes to hear. I should be getting advance copies of Woman on the Verge soon. The arrival of that shipment always makes the book release feel real.

Interesting things I learned this week:

  • Google searches for “tariffs” increased 2400% in the wake of Trump’s policies…which just tells me that many of the people who voted for him don’t know how tariffs work
  • Eremition is the act of gradually fading from the lives of others, not out of malice but a desire for solitude or renewal. I feel this
  • If we held a minute of silence for every holocaust victim, we would be silent for 11 and a half years. This is chilling
  • Philocaly is a love of beauty, even in the smallest things

What I’m grateful for:

  • A baby chameleon! Quite possibly the strangest thing I’ve ever received in the mail. So tiny and cool to watch. My daughter has been wanting one. My boyfriend built her an amazing cage and we finally got the creature. The cats were very enthralled, which caused me some concern, but they are now back to their disinterested selves
  • Sweet texts from my daughter. She has a watch so she can communicate with us about pickups at the YMCA and whatnot. She’s started sending me little messages and I will save the screenshots forever
  • Dinner with a good friend at a new-to-me Italian restaurant this week. It was delish and I just love my friends
  • Rain! It’s not fun to run in it, but it’s so good for our state right now
  • Speaking of running, I set a 5K PR (20 minutes flat!) in the middle of my workout on Wednesday. Was not expecting that!

From top to bottom: Me in my favorite hat (courtesy of my bestie), playing chauffeur for my karate kid; nature always reminding me of what’s good; the new addition to our house.

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