Weekly Roundup: January 31, 2025

Omfg, we are finally at the end of January. What a month. Christmas feels like it was about a year ago. I read 15 books this month, really leaning into my chosen method of dissociation from reality. I don’t even know what to say anymore about what’s going on in our government. It’s all ugly. I am trying to focus on fostering and feeling love in my little corner of the universe. And I’ll keep writing and reading because both are exercises in empathy, which we clearly need more of. If your heart is heavy lately, I get it. I hope we can find lightness in small ways on a daily basis.

Quote of the week:
“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.” —Frida Kahlo

What I’m reading:
I read Beautyland by Marie-Helene Bertino and, wow, what a book. So unique and rich. I was an emotional wreck by the end. I’m now reading Jane and Dan at the End of the World, and it might be my favorite Colleen Oakley book (I love her!).

What I’m listening to:
I just started Sarah Ruhl’s memoir, Smile. She’s an accomplished playwright and after reading this memoir, I’m going to order some of her plays to read. Beautiful writing.

What I’m watching:
My boyfriend and I watched Gladiator II last weekend, which was better than I was expecting. I also watched Will & Harper on Netflix this week, which should be required watching. I got teary-eyed at the end.

Writing news:
I’ve been writing a little poetry, but that’s about it. I’ll be in full launch mode for Woman on the Verge soon. My agent currently has a draft of my 2026 novel and I’m nervous/excited to see what she thinks.

Interesting things I learned this week:
I keep a list of random things in my Notes app throughout the week and I’ve added absolutely nothing in the past two weeks. My brain is on strike.

What I’m grateful for:

  • Yoga. I’ve been making a concerted effort to get on my mat more. Breath is magic
  • Pet cuddles. Truly a highlight of every day
  • Community in the midst of chaos. It’s easy to feel lonely when your government is acting in ways that are completely contrary to your values, but I know there are LOTS of people who feel like I do. We are not alone in our angst
  • Treating myself to a much-needed massage

From top to bottom: Yoga session with my cat; a beautiful run; California winter views; my dog reminding me to rest; my little desk buddy (she sits on a pillow next to my laptop while I work. I’m so grateful to work from home).

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