Quote of the week:
“In every moment, there are ten thousand joys and ten thousand sorrows.”
I can’t remember where I heard this… it was either in a podcast or a book I was listening to. I believe the person said it’s a Chinese proverb, but google says it’s a Buddhist saying.
What I’m reading:
Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty (I’m about to finish this one–I really enjoyed it!)
What I’m listening to:
Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult (I’m about to finish this one too; loved the twist in this one)
What I’m watching:
Dexter: New Blood
Writing news:
Nothing of interest this week. I’m looking forward to getting back to work on my new novel in the new year.
What I’m talking about:
I’m talking a lot about juxtaposition–my grief with my daughter’s holiday cheer. I’m bummed we’re having another Covid Christmas (and I’m worried about Omicron), but I’m also feeling joy. There is a lot to be sad about, and a lot to be happy about.
Interesting things I learned this week:
I feel like I retained zero information this week. It’s been a bit chaotic finishing up work and getting ready for the holiday. My brain feels like it’s on vacation.
Weirdest thing I googled this week:
“Is it possible to grow taller in your 40s?” I googled this yesterday upon realizing that I am now taller than my brother-in-law… which I swear was not the case before. I’ve always been just under 5’11″… Today, I measured 5’11.5″… Apparently it’s impossible to grow taller after the growth plates close, so I guess this is a consequence of yoga? With shoes on, I’m now six feet tall!
What I’m grateful for:
I’m grateful for my daughter’s nightly performance of Christmas songs in our living room (she made a stage out of my yoga blocks and it’s the cutest thing). I’m also grateful for this amazing ornament that my sister-in-law MADE for me. How cool is this?!

I’m also grateful for views like this.

And, of course, I’m grateful to be healthy as we close out 2021. Here’s to a calmer, more peaceful 2022. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

As we I get older, I realize how true that Buddhist saying is. With wisdom comes the knowledge of this life fact and the realization that it will be a permanent learning process. I always enjoy reading your blog and hope your holidays prove to be relaxing and filled with love.
Thank you, Robin. I hope this next year is a peaceful one for you.