Quote of the week:
“The propensity of humans to blame other people is so strong and such a waste of time, and projecting out into other people what needs to change, when really, the most gratifying and the only work that really works is working on ourselves.” —Elizabeth Lesser
What I’m reading:
White Ivy by Susie Yang
What I’m listening to:
The Office of Historical Corrections by Danielle Evans –finished this week
Inferno: A Memoir of Motherhood and Madness by Catherine Cho–finished in two days
Unlocking Us podcast: Brené Brown with Elizabeth Lesser on the power of women’s stories
What I’m watching:
“The Vow” (HBO)–documentary series about the NXIVM organization (aka cult); one episode left and waiting for this creep to get what he deserves
Writing news:
No big news this week. Just your usual reminders:
- All the Love: Healing Your Heart and Finding Meaning After Pregnancy Loss is out on March 23
- People Who Knew Me will be re-released on May 11
- No Hiding in Boise will release on June 15
What I’m talking about:
- Trump pardoning all the crooks. Two members of my extended family who are Trumpers said they are sorry they ever voted for him. I guess when it comes to seeing the light, better late than never
- The COVID surge. We have been at 0% ICU capacity in Southern California for weeks now. Healthcare workers are tired. The only silver lining is that they are starting to get vaccinated
- The relief bill debacle. Such a disgrace. Other countries have offered their residents so much more financial relief (up to 100% of their missing income). It’s become increasingly obvious that the U.S. is not country we all thought it was
- Post-COVID wish lists. I’ve started mine. It includes “get a massage” and “run a race” (I miss racing)
Weirdest thing I googled this week:
Bath bombs with dinosaurs in them.
What I’m grateful for:
A nice, peaceful Christmas. I didn’t mind the quiet this holiday season. I’m not a fan of hoopla, in general, and the lack of it this year because of COVID was just fine by me. I know nothing magical will happen on January 1; we will still have COVID and lingering political and social upheaval. But I do hope that 2021 sees a collective turning of a corner. On that note, I’ll see you on the flip side. Happy New Year!