Quote of the week:
“Be ‘selectively ignorant.’ Ignore topics that drain your attention. Unfollow people that drain your energy. Abandon projects that drain your time. Do not keep up with it all. The more selectively ignorant you become, the more broadly knowledgeable you can be.” —James Clear
(This quote reminds me of the below comic)

What I’m reading:
A Good Neighborhood by Therese Anne Fowler (will finish it tonight; really liked this one)
What I’m listening to:
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo
Pod Save America episode with Joe Biden (loved his focus on climate change)
What I’m watching:
“60 Minutes” episode with Trump and Biden interviews. Still can’t believe Trump just walked out. Very Presidential.
“Unsolved Mysteries” (Netflix) — getting into the new episodes
“Totally Under Control” (Hulu) — turned this off after 20 minutes because it was making me anxious
“Tales of the City” (Netflix) — just watched 1 episode so far; on the fence about continuing
“The Staircase” (Netflix) — 2 episodes in; how is there enough content for 10 episodes?
Writing news:
- Today is the second book birthday for Cherry Blossoms. I’m giving away a copy–leave a comment on Instagram if you want to enter the little contest
- We just launched AlltheLoveAfterLoss.com, the website to accompany the book (out March 23). Follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@allthelovetalk)
- People Who Knew Me will be re-released on May 12 (new cover reveal coming soon!)
- My next novel is coming in summer (June 15!). I’ll share the title and cover soon:
What I’m talking about:
- The Dodgers World Series win! This might be the high point of 2020
- The surge in coronavirus cases (in sum: ughhhhhhhhh)
- How other countries are handling COVID (France and Germany just reinstituted national lockdowns; Canada seems to be doing pretty well, mostly because they don’t think masks are stupid)
- Miles Taylor (former chief of staff at the Dept. of Homeland Security) confessing to being the author of a 2018 anonymous Times Op-Ed describing a “resistance” in the Trump White House
- The upcoming election and my associated insomnia
Weirdest thing I googled this week:
“Famous female mathematicians.”
What I’m grateful for:
41 trips around the sun. My birthday was on Tuesday and I’m just so happy to be healthy. I love my family. I love writing. I love my life. My heart is full.

Stick with Tales of the City. It’s well worth the trip.