Quote of the Week:
“We are all migrants through time.” –Mohsin Hamid, Exit West
What I’m reading:
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells (truly, truly terrifying)
What I’m listening to:
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee (finished this week)
Exit West by Mohsin Hamid
What I’m watching:
“Love Life” (HBO Max) — still enjoying this one
Writing news:
- My website redesign is LIVE!
- Just a couple weeks until All the Acorns on the Forest Floor comes out
- All the Love: Healing Your Heart and Finding Meaning After Pregnancy Loss will be out on March 23. Follow us @allthelovetalk on Twitter and Instagram
- I just started working on edits for novel #5–it releases next summer. Details coming soon!
What I’m talking about:
- The terrifying reality of climate change (reading The Uninhabitable Earth is blowing my mind and scaring the shit out of me; you can get a taste of it by reading this New York magazine article by the same author)
- The shooting of Jacob Blake (WSJ article here). I do not understand how these killings keep happening. It’s abhorrent
- The American Medical Association’s recommendation that meat and diary be listed as optional in the next iteration of official dietary guidelines (Forks and Knives)
What I’m grateful for:
I got this print for my office a while ago and it’s been making me smile. I’ve been demoralized by a few bastards lately (maybe the fact that several planets are in retrograde is to blame?). Life is too short to feel demoralized by bastards.

🎉 Love the new look & feel! So fresh.
Looking forward to reading all the acorns on the forest floor! I loved People Who Knew Me and Tiny.