Two weeks ago, my little family moved into a new house. Actually, it was a construction zone at the time we moved in, but it’s starting to feel like a home.
One of my first priorities after setting up my daughter’s room was my office. Yes, my very own office! In our previous house, my husband and I shared an office, our two desks crammed together, one of us annoyed at all times. This new space of my own feels so luxurious. Technically, it doubles as a guest bedroom, but the only occupant of the bed so far has been the cat. He doesn’t bother me.

I’ve been so busy with getting the new house organized (and safe…our baby has become a toddler) that I haven’t had much time to actually sit at my desk and write. I did some final edits for TINY the other day (it comes out in exactly 3 months!), and I felt so happy just staring out the window. Tomorrow, I go back to my full-time job after taking 2 weeks off, so it will be a while before I have more time in my little office. But at least I know it’s here. At least I can daydream about it.

All this got me curious about famous writers’ work spaces. I found some cool photos online. Here are my favorites (sourced fromĀ here):

Your office is perfect:)
Lovely photos of your writing place and those of other writers.