On March 10, I had the honor of speaking at the AAUW Literary Luncheon in Laguna Beach. I’m always a big ball of anxiety leading up to these events, even though I end up having a great time. I never learn.

My fellow authors included Elizabeth Letts, New York Times bestselling author of The Eighty-Dollar Champion and The Perfect Horse, and Annabelle Gurwitch, hilarious author of books like You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up and Wherever You Go, There They Are. They both gave great talks and I nearly cried in mine (oversensitive new mom alert). You can watch/listen here:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdwngOLWBLs]
The AAUW is an awesome organization supporting equity and education for women and girls. You can learn more here. If you’re interested in joining the Laguna Beach chapter, click here.