I wouldn’t have guessed most of these would make the top 10. Rather, I would have hoped most of these would not make the top 10. It makes me think we can sum up our world as being “very religious, with an interest in sci-fi and fantasy.” Or, even simpler, let’s conclude, “Human beings like to exit reality.” Oh, and get rich — can’t forget that.
What book do you think should be read by more people? What book would you want in the top 10, if you could choose only one?
For me, I think it would be The Great Gatsby. That book illuminates the intersection (or lack thereof) of happiness and wealth better than any other.
Interesting. None of my favorites are there. I’m surprised the Alchemist made the list. I read that a long time ago and like it but didn’t think it would be a top 10.
Michener’s Hawaii