Daily routines of famous writers, part 2

I’m weirdly fascinated when I read about the daily routines of writers. I guess I’m curious to see if my routines are similar or different. I’m looking for the key to writing a good novel. I always come to the same conclusion: there is no magical ritual, there is no one way to write. Still, — Read More

Vintage photos of writers writing

I just saw this slideshow on Huffington Post and had to share my favorites. Captions by me. Dorothy Parker “Hmm, I really don’t remember writing this last night. Whelp, it’s pretty good.” Mark Twain Philip Roth William Faulkner Edith Wharton There are a total of 13 photos in the Huffington Post slideshow. Check it out.

What would you call your work shed?

When you envision your ideal creative space, what do you see? I see one room with a desk, a chair, and a stone fireplace. For some reason, I also see a daybed. This is probably because I love naps. The floors are old hardwood. It’s quiet. It’s desolate. If I look out the window, there is a — Read More