Publishing Journey: My book is done and I have a publication date!

I haven’t mentioned my book in a while, though it consumes lots of space in my brain. I finished my last round of edits early this month, and just got the manuscript back from my editor this past Friday. I was hoping any remaining edits would be minor, but I wasn’t holding my breath. I have learned — Read More

I understand why it takes years.

When I was younger (and life was decidedly simpler), I had this notion that a book could be written and published within a year. A YEAR! That seems preposterous to me now. For one, I understand much more about the grueling process of editing. I understand that the mind needs time–sometimes MONTHS–to mull over plot — Read More

Why do we write?

I’ve asked myself this question  often, sometimes with a tone of calm curiosity, sometimes with absolute frustration. What I come back to time and time again is this: I just enjoy writing. When I was a kid, this basic fact was complicated by another fact: I was good at writing. With that came well-meaning people — Read More

Quote of the month

When I was young (like, elementary school), I spent an almost-outrageous amount of time on character development when I wrote stories. I drew pictures of what I thought the character looked like, ripped images out of magazines that reminded me of her, made lists of her favorites (food, color, TV show, band). I sketched her — Read More

Advice I don’t take

Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Don Murray says the three worst pieces of advice he was ever given were: 1. If you like it, cut it out. 2. Know what you are going to say before you write it. 3. Don’t write what’s been said before. I’ve been given these gems of advice before myself and they — Read More

Quote of the month

Writers are always questioning/struggling to find/analyzing their “voice.” Whenever I’m doubtful of how authentic my characters are, I think of this quote: “Imagine yourself at your kitchen table, in your pajamas. Imagine one person you’d allow to see you that way, and write in the voice you’d use to that friend.” ~ Sandra Cisneros And — Read More